Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Super Fancy RPG Maker Plugin, and A Japanese Developers Interview Site!?

    Welcome to the forth first entry of the .moe websites exploration! This time, it's all about gaming! Hibiki found these 2 good .moe website strongly related about gaming. Tell what you found!
    Haisai! In previous post, it's all pure anime. Now today it's about gaming! This is what I've found! I present you...

1. - The RPG Maker MV Enhancements Plugin Set

    Created by Yanfly as soon as the software releases, this site is about the plugin for RPG Maker MV that will allow for much more advanced functions and customization! Yanfly has developed so many new functional components that I am genuinely more than impressed! His Patreon page has almost $1,500 per month and his plugin really is popular and excellent!
    Even if you don't ever plan to make your own RPG with RPG Maker MV, well it's very very hard to overlook the fact that Yanfly has did some greatest works and help new generations to get inspired with RPG making!

2. - Moe for Games And Pure Gaming Love

    Being not about gaming industry, she did actual interview with Japanese gaming personalities. This website is a standard gaming journal. Many aspects are covered and written with care. The most impressive feat she has actually done is the interview. That is definitely a first read.
    Though, this does not mean she only write about games. She sometimes write about something she has interest in, such as Manga or Anime. If you want to have another voice on various games, have a read on this journal!

Twitter pick:

    That is it for the forth entry! That RPG Maker MV plugin is perhaps one of the best discoveries from searching .moe websites. Same goes to the journal, with actual interviews of Japanese video game figures. May you someday make a new .moe website for me to explore! This is Hibiki Hirasawa, I'll go out and find more .moe websites for you. Nankurunaisa~!

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