Friday, January 1, 2016

A Change of Format, An Introduction of a Character!

For the .moe website impression website entries I've written for 2015, it turns out that the first step of finding a proper website, that is, it's not Tumblr page, not a redirect, and not an alternate/shortened URL of the main, non .moe website.
As for the process of making an entries, I including the website background, who create it and an accurate description of what the site is. That is actually quite a difficult part to put in... Plus, to make sure an entry doesn't ending up being really short, I have to squeeze out all the impressions I've got.
It was quite a struggle to make a full-on dedicated impression entry for websites that might not even be anything that interesting. As a solo effort to revive the activity of this blog, I present you...

A New Blogging Format

This blog will go from Analysis to Exploration! In one blog entries, two or more websites will be presented to make for a decent sized blog entry. In that effect, I can skip some time consuming research to pad out information, and just go pure guts impression! However still, in case I encounter an exceptionally good and .moe related website, I would still do a traditional first impression!

Introduction of a Character

Right now, all this website feels is just a no-character simple grey-white page. I'll now introduce some personality of blog. And as the format of the blog entry will be Exploration, I have a firm character in mind who will be the image of this blog! Mind you, (s)he might not be the most well known, but I gotta choose one I love and most fits the theme!

May you someday make a new .moe website for me to explore! This is Hibiki Hirasawa, I'll go out and find more .moe websites for you. Nankurunaisa~!

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