Monday, January 4, 2016

Becoming An Anime Character on Your iOS, and Search Which Service to Watch Anime?!

    The third entry of .moe domain exploration is here! Today, Hibiki has once again gone out and discover some more interesting .moe websites. Tell what you found!
    Haisai! Once again, more anime related websites! Let's get my discovery revealed! Here is what I discovered! I present you...

1. - Be A Character With Avatar Phone

    This homepage of the iOS (and later Android) app let you you use your front (FaceTime) camera to make the Live2D character version of you mirror your expressions! Not only that, you can record an avatar-you video and even use it as live chat!
    What would you like to become to? Your waifu? Your own role-play character? or me, Hibiki Ganaha~?! If you have your iOS phone you can download and try it out right now on the App Store!

2. - List Anime Series Available on Streaming Services

    For every refresh, with a new search example changing along with the series' main character in the background, this is an anime search engine that will list all legal streaming services that have the anime available! Typing in your favorite should hopefully return you with results. Clicking on one of the streaming service's logo will directly bring you to the stream's watch page (provided of course you've joined and subscribe to the service if necessary.)
    That is really handy! The best service to watch on is DAISUKI (white D logo) which doesn't require you an account, and is free, and legal, with the trade off being that it has a very limited selection. However, my favorite series that I plan to continue is on DAISUKI!

Twitter pick:

    That is it for the 3rd .moe domain exploration entry! As obvious above, I found out that the official moe domain twitter page exists and is posting new .moe website discoveries too! Am I going somewhere now? Maybe not now but you will see! May you someday make a new .moe website for me to explore! This is Hibiki Hirasawa, I'll go out and find more .moe websites for you. Nankurunaisa~!

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