Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Examples of Non-anime usage of .moe gTLD

As announced by Interlink early in April 2014, anyone can register a .moe domain and declared that .moe domain is not only meant for anime related websites. There is no restriction at all on the content or the owner, which mean some websites with .moe gTLD don't have anything to do with anime at all, perhaps because of the meaning of "moe" in other languages whether in full or abbreviated, or simply for the sake of uniqueness.

1. Laura's personal website 

This personal website have no sign of anime at all. Instead, you see her own apps, websites, IT, and others, none of which have any remote relation to anime.

2. A résumé 

A resume of a potential game developer! However, none of his work have any remote connection to anime. He also have a portfolio and also a blog. It's a curious fact that Ministry Of Education is simply Moe.

3. Personal website of a forever alone 

Although his post have anime related photos, it's only a small fraction of all the photos he posted. The website is purely meant to represent himself, and not his moe interest

That is it for the examples. Now, this is typical of any unrestricted content gTLds and don't be furious to any non-anime websites. This is Kagami Hirasawa, signing off.

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