Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - Doujin Circle Now Have Their Most Suitable Place!

It pans, pans, and pans. When we could see the most moe view?
This third website is being constructed (at the time of this writing) by Castanet Doujin, a character artist Doujin circle consisted of 3 people whose members are Xeph, Peach and Kaho. This circle is specialized in drawing characters from either other anime series that you might know, or from their original design. They draws in quite a wide range of suitability, from SFW to strong Ecchi. And their fully drawn works looks like those from standard anime studios!

First Impression

It has an intro! As you enter the site, the circle's official beautiful and elegant logo comes up big on the center, then it moves back to the top right and the enlarged character art comes up from the brown background, smoothly moving randomly from spot to spot in linear path. Finally, the Twitter feed + Facebook page is to be followed on the bottom left. I must say, that is such a fancy .moe website, despite being under construction. Yes, you heard that right! In the near future when the site is complete, you could be seeing a smooth, stylish, modern, and moe webpage design With character arts on the side throughout the panel. That is my guess anyway.

That is it for the .moe domain website impression. Definitely check back this .moe website and see the surprise when the site is declared complete! Thank you for taking your time reading and exploring the future of the .moe domain! May you someday be registering your own .moe website. This is Kagami Hirasawa, signing off.

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