Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - Doujin Circle Now Have Their Most Suitable Place!

It pans, pans, and pans. When we could see the most moe view?
This third website is being constructed (at the time of this writing) by Castanet Doujin, a character artist Doujin circle consisted of 3 people whose members are Xeph, Peach and Kaho. This circle is specialized in drawing characters from either other anime series that you might know, or from their original design. They draws in quite a wide range of suitability, from SFW to strong Ecchi. And their fully drawn works looks like those from standard anime studios! - Technology News Blog From A Humanoid Robot Developer

Standard news blog, but mainly about robotics, and moe.
The FIRST website,, is a news-type blog written by MaidProgrammer, who is developing a humanoid robot in Seattle, US. Also developing a game engine for the rest of 2014.
What he has written so far are about the .moe domain updates, what he is up to with robotics, and (but not limited to) technological Microsoft news.